What Does It Take To Become A Lawyer?
There are several steps to becoming a lawyer. The first step requires graduation from an accredited four year college or university. There are no requirements for a specific undergraduate major in order to apply to law school.
The next step is to take the LSAT exam. This is a national standardized test which is designed to test your ability for reason and logic. It is imperative to obtain both a high grade point average in college, as well a high score on the LSAT exam. Involvement in extra-curricular activities and life experiences are also given weight during the law school admission process. Then there is the dreaded application into law school, which is quite competitive.
Law school is a three year full-time degree in which you obtain your juris doctorate. All law schools throughout the nation teach the same curriculum during the first year of law school. These are year-long courses in contracts, torts, criminal Law, civil procedure, constitutional law, and legal writing. Upon successful completion of the first year of law school most law schools allow students to take elective legal classes in areas of law which interest them. Most schools also offer internship opportunities for law students to allow them to gain practical experience. Most law students will clerk for some legal entity during the summers to allow them to gain further experience and explore their areas of interest in the legal field.
Upon successful graduation from law school, in all states with the exception of those whom have attended law school in Wisconsin or Louisiana, law school graduates must then pass the most rigorous exam of all, which is the Bar Exam of whichever State they hope to practice in. The Bar Exam is only offered twice a year by each State. Most states do not extend reciprocity, so you must pass the Bar in every state in which you wish to practice. The Bar Exam involves both a nationally standardized test, as well as testing on the laws of the particular State you intend to practice in. The test is comprised of multiple choice and essay questions. A Bar Exam can last 2–4 days, depending upon the
State. It normally takes several months to find out if you have passed the Bar Exam.
Finally, if one passes the Bar Exam, there is a ceremony before a Judge within the State you have been admitted to, whereby an oath is administered in which you swear to uphold the laws of the nation and the State you will be practicing in. At that time, you become a licensed attorney.
For more information or to schedule a consultation please call us at 920 231-5050 or click here.
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